East Stadium Chiropractic Wellness Center is a modern facility known for its range of Chiropractic techniques and other services.
Gonstead Technique: A gentle, effective technique that is specific, accurate and precise in evaluating and adjusting the entire spine. In order to give a specific adjustment, a Gonstead practitioner must first evaluate the patient to determine locations of subluxations (or misalignments) within the spinal column. The methods of evaluation include, but are not limited to, a thorough health history, spinal x-ray analysis, chiropractic instrumentation, and static and motion palpation. Gonstead chiropractors approach the spine biomechanically, which means that they relate the structure and function of the spine to how it should be adjusted. Gonstead practitioners take great care to ensure the patient is in a mechanically correct position for the adjustment. Accurate positioning and precision thrusting guarantee that the correction is as effective as possible.
Diversified Technique: Diversified Technique is the classic chiropractic technique, developed to address biomechanical failure in each section of the spine, as it relates to specific subluxation. The focus is on restoration to normal biomechanical function, and correction of subluxation. In addition, Diversified methods have been developed to adjust extremity joints, allowing for beneficial applications in treating sports injuries and other injuries. Diversified adjusting of the spine uses specific lines of drives for all manual thrusts, allowing for specificity in correcting mechanical distortions of the spine.
Thompson Technique: The Thompson Technique utilizes a "Segmental Drop Table" to enhance the motion force imparted towards the segment or area to be adjusted. The "Segmental Drop System" takes advantage of the spine's inherent design of the joints in order to move the spinal segment in the direction that will improve the motion of the segment with the one above and below. Since the spinal joints face front to back and have an incline that slopes more naturally backwards, the practitioner can affect increased motion by applying an adjustment from posterior to anterior with an inferior to superior line of correction. The Thompson Technique utilizes the Derifield-Thompson Leg Check Analysis in analyzing the patient to determine what articulation or area may need to be adjusted.
Toggle Recoil Technique: An adjustment performed with a sudden shallow thrust (toggle) followed by quick withdrawal (recoil) of the chiropractor's hands while the patient is relaxed. The practitioner utilizes a drop headpiece to increase the effectiveness of the adjustment and increase patient comfort. The toggle is the thrust, the torque is applied during the thrust and the recoil is the immediate removal of the practitioner's hands, allowing the patient's body to react by itself, so that the adjustment is not imposed upon it. This technique respects the body's innate knowledge of what is appropriate for it at that moment. It is a means of gently, and usually painlessly, persuading the bone to return to its correct resting position without forcing or stressing the joint or the body. Adjustments to the upper cervical region are crucial due to their direct influence on the brain stem, which controls and coordinates our basic life processes.
Activator Technique: Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique (AMCT) is a diagnostic and treatment system centered on the idea that leg-length analysis can determine when to adjust and when not to adjust the spine. The system is based on a concept of pelvic deficiency (P.D.), also called a functionally short leg (a physiologic difference in length, not an anatomical one). Evolved from nearly 40 years of empirical study and 15 years of clinical research, the Activator Technique uses the latest advances in orthopedic, neurological and chiropractic examinations to seek joint dysfunction in the spinal column and extremities for improved patient care. AMCT uses the Activator Adjusting Instrument to give consistent low-force, high-speed chiropractic adjustments.
Sacro Occipital Technique: "Sacro" means related to, or associated with, the sacrum. The sacrum (tailbone) is the foundation for the spine. "Occipital" means related to, or associated with, the occiput. The occiput is the base of the skull. SOT is a method of normalizing the relationship between the foundation of the spine and the top of the spine. This relationship has been proven to be important in the normal functioning of the brain and spinal cord. SOT uses a category system of patient analysis, which offers the practitioner a logical, balanced approach to patient care, leading to an appropriate treatment approach, as well as evidence of treatment effectiveness. The technique also employs methods of visceral (organ) analysis, providing the practitioner with a better understanding of underlying disease processes that may be undermining health and wellness.
Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.): B.E.S.T. is a non-forceful, energy balancing hands on procedure used to help reestablish the full healing potential of the body. Understanding that the body makes no mistakes regarding health and longevity, B.E.S.T. principles acknowledge the concept of interference, which we create with our conscious mind. This interference-caused imbalance in the autonomic nervous system leads to exhaustion of our organ systems over time if left uncorrected.
Webster Technique: The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic adjustment for pregnant mothers. It is designed to relieve the causes of intrauterine constraint, which is defined as any forces external to the developing baby that obstructs its normal movement. Intrauterine constraint can prevent the baby from attaining a head down vertex position and achieving a vaginal birth, resulting in a breech presentation and subsequent cesarean section delivery. Enabling the baby to turn prior to birth allows for a natural birth process, reducing complications from surgical procedures such as cesarean delivery.
Our office houses a technologically advanced direct digital x-ray system, which allows for instant imaging of the spine. The images are transferred directly to a computer and are visible on a monitor within seconds. This avoids the processing delays associated with older film systems. It also removes the need for harmful processing chemicals from the office setting.
Computerized scanning of the spinal nerve roots and paraspinal musculature. See first and second visit
The doctors are up to date on the latest in exercise and nutrition science, and will make recommendations that are right for you based on your personal health goals.
We offer free educational seminars twice monthly. If you or someone you know may be interested in how to achieve optimal health and wellbeing, these seminars are an amazing opportunity. Check our upcoming events tab for the upcoming schedule.